Modern slavery & human rights

Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

This statement is made on behalf of Rat and Boa Limited (for the purposes of this statement "R&B"). We are publishing this statement under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to demonstrate our commitment to ensuring that our business and supply chain reflects our values and respect for human rights.

At R&B, we value human rights and dignity and are committed to maintaining and improving practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our business. We encourage our suppliers to share our commitment to providing an ethical work environment.

Our organisational structure, our business, and our supply chains

R&B is an international, boutique women’s fashion label which has its registered office in London. We design, manufacture, and sell high quality women’s fashion garments. Since launching in 2015, Rat & Boa has developed a strong brand identity producing and selling globally.

Our team

One of R&B's prime objectives is to conduct all its business in an honest and ethical manner. We venture to maintain a fair and ethical workplace for all our staff. It is an essential part of this that all forms of forced labour or human trafficking are forbidden and that they have no place in our business.

Our supply chains

The key suppliers and partners in our supply chain supply fabrics and materials as well as manufacturing the clothes and other garments that R&B design. Our methods of engaging with suppliers ensure that we are confident that we always remain fully compliant with the law. We do remain constantly focussed and regularly monitor risks at all levels of the supply chain.

Our due diligence processes

We expect all our contractors, suppliers, and other business partners to uphold the same high standards as we do, by ensuring that all employees and workers are treated with dignity and respect in a fair and ethical environment.

Our employees are subject to right-to-work checks and we continue to work with our contractors to ensure that they comply with relevant employment laws, including fair wages requirements and right-to-work rules.

We work closely with our Tier 1 supply chain partners across the world to provide information on compliance with applicable ethical standards. As part of these partnerships, we have used various audit organisations using the auditing standards from Sedex and BSCI.

As part of our transparency journey, we have recently started working with third party consultants to review our supply chain, highlight any risks, and help us constantly improve.

We have also started engaging with NGOs and are committed to continuing to work with NGOs around the world to ensure our local knowledge is up to date, such as ensuring any changes to cost of living is reflected in fair wages.

Modern Slavery, Labour rights and Human Rights.

We understand the risks and impacts related to modern slavery as part of our manufacturing process, including labour rights, ethical trade, and human rights. R&B is currently developing its sustainability strategy and this year will publish its first public sustainability report.

Human rights assessment of practices

R&B analyses its practices by comparing them to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This assessment enables R&B to identify specific points for progress in areas including public commitment and policy, scope of internal control procedures, grievance and remediation